Never Skimp on Your Education!

Unlock Your Full Shooting Potential

Stop sending thousands of rounds downrange! 

With just 10-15 minutes a lesson you can:

  • Discover the foundation of what makes good shooters great.

  • Practice the custom-tailored, specially-built dryfire regimen that helps me win shooting matches throughout the year.

  • Each day, get a new drill with a pistol (in Handgun Foundations) or for pistol, rifle, shotgun, or a combo of the three (in Multi-Gun Mastery).

  • Learn proper technique as well as the reason WHY it's best to perform that way.

  • Work through the course at your own pace!

  • Have lifetime access to the course, and repeat it as many times as you'd like!

Yes, It Really Is Possible to Become a Better Shooter with NO ammo needed, in less than a month, using my custom-tailored and PROVEN dryfire programs!.

Always be a Student!

No matter how experienced of a shooter you are, you should always be a student. Even the best trainers and skilled shooters continue being a student. I personally consume Joe Farewell’s online training as well as attend his in person trainings as well as others. I continue to grow as a shooter both in competition and in personal defense through my mentorship from Joe. I find his style easy to follow and very repeatable. Start at the beginning and follow the process. You will get hooked!

- Wes Walz (Owner of Curated Arms)


Getting started is easy. Click the link below to get signed up for Hand Guns Foundation. Even if you are an avid shooter, start here. I promise it’s worth it! As you progress, head on back to my site and click the next link to get setup for your next course. Use code CURATED to save 20% on all applicable savings opportunities. It doesn’t apply to all courses and products offered by Farewell Firearms, but give it a shot and save where you can.